-- Type checker for the WHILE language.

{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}

module V1.TypeChecker where

open import Library

import V1.AST as A
open import V1.WellTypedSyntax

-- Type errors.
-- Currently, these errors do not carry enough evidence that
-- something is wrong.  The type checker does not produce
-- evidence of ill-typedness in case of failure,
-- only of well-typedness in case of success.

data TypeError : Set where
  typeMismatch : (tinf texp : Type)   tinf  texp  TypeError

  PrintError : Print TypeError
  print {{PrintError}} = λ where
    (typeMismatch tinf texp _)  String.concat $
      "type mismatch: expected "  print texp 
      ", but inferred "  print tinf  []

-- Type error monad.

open ErrorMonad {E = TypeError}

-- Checking expressions


  -- Type inference.

  inferExp : (e : A.Exp)  Error (Σ Type  t  Exp t))
  inferExp (A.eInt i)  = return (int  , eInt  i)
  inferExp (A.eBool b) = return (bool , eBool b)
  inferExp (A.ePlus e₁ e₂) = inferOp plus  e₁ e₂
  inferExp (A.eGt   e₁ e₂) = inferOp gt    e₁ e₂
  inferExp (A.eAnd  e₁ e₂) = inferOp and   e₁ e₂
  inferExp (A.eCond e₁ e₂ e₃) = do
    e₁'  checkExp e₁ bool
    (t , e₂')  inferExp e₂
    e₃'  checkExp e₃ t
    return (t , eCond e₁' e₂' e₃')

  -- Type checking.
  -- Calls inference and checks inferred type against given type.

  checkExp : (e : A.Exp) (t : Type)  Error (Exp t)
  checkExp e t = do
    (t' , e')  inferExp e
    case t'  t of λ where
      (yes refl)  return e'
      (no  t'≢t)  throwError (typeMismatch t' t t'≢t)

  -- Operators.

  inferOp : ∀{t t'} (op : Op t t') (e₁ e₂ : A.Exp)  Error (Σ Type  t  Exp t))
  inferOp {t} {t'} op e₁ e₂ = do
    e₁'  checkExp e₁ t
    e₂'  checkExp e₂ t
    return (t' , eOp op e₁' e₂')

-- Checking the program.

checkProgram : (prg : A.Program)  Error Program
checkProgram (A.program e) = do
  e'  checkExp e int
  return $ program e'

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-- -}
-- -}