-- The Agda standard library
-- Tables, basic types and operations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.Table.Base where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Product using (_×_ ; _,_)
open import Data.List as List using (List)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec)
open import Function using (_∘_; flip)
open import Level using (Level)

    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Definition

record Table (A : Set a) n : Set a where
  constructor tabulate
  field lookup : Fin n  A
open Table public

-- Basic operations

head :  {n}  Table A (suc n)  A
head t = lookup t zero

tail :  {n}  Table A (suc n)  Table A n
tail t = tabulate (lookup t  suc)

uncons :  {n}  Table A (suc n)  A × Table A n
uncons t = head t , tail t

remove :  {n}  Fin (suc n)  Table A (suc n)  Table A n
remove i t = tabulate (lookup t  punchIn i)

-- Operations for transforming tables

rearrange :  {m n}  (Fin m  Fin n)  Table A n  Table A m
rearrange f t = tabulate (lookup t  f)

map :  {n}  (A  B)  Table A n  Table B n
map f t = tabulate (f  lookup t)

_⊛_ :  {n}  Table (A  B) n  Table A n  Table B n
fs  xs = tabulate λ i  lookup fs i (lookup xs i)

-- Operations for reducing tables

foldr :  {n}  (A  B  B)  B  Table A n  B
foldr {n = zero}  f z t = z
foldr {n = suc n} f z t = f (head t) (foldr f z (tail t))

foldl :  {n}  (B  A  B)  B  Table A n  B
foldl {n = zero}  f z t = z
foldl {n = suc n} f z t = foldl f (f z (head t)) (tail t)

-- Operations for building tables

replicate :  {n}  A  Table A n
replicate x = tabulate  _  x)

-- Operations for converting tables

toList :  {n}  Table A n  List A
toList = List.tabulate  lookup

fromList :  (xs : List A)  Table A (List.length xs)
fromList = tabulate  List.lookup

fromVec :  {n}  Vec A n  Table A n
fromVec = tabulate  Vec.lookup

toVec :  {n}  Table A n  Vec A n
toVec = Vec.tabulate  lookup