-- The delay monad for potentially non-terminating computation.

module Delay where

open import Library
open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Applicative.Indexed

-- Coinductive delay monad.


  record Delay (i : Size) (A : Set) : Set where
    constructor delay
      force : {j : Size< i}  Delay' j A

  data Delay' (i : Size) (A : Set) : Set where
    return' : A          Delay' i A
    later'  : Delay i A  Delay' i A

open Delay public

-- Smart constructor.

later :  {A i}  Delay i A  Delay ( i) A
later x .force = later' x

-- Example: non-termination.

never :  {A i}  Delay A i
never .force = later' never

-- Monad instance.

  returnDelay : ∀{A i}  A  Delay i A
  returnDelay a .force = return' a

  bindDelay :  {i A B}  Delay i A  (A  Delay i B)  Delay i B
  bindDelay m k .force = case m .force of λ where
    (return' a)  k a .force
    (later' m')  later' (bindDelay m' k)

  functorDelay :  {i}  Functor (Delay i)
  fmap {{functorDelay}} f mx = bindDelay mx  x  returnDelay (f x))

  applicativeDelay :  {i}  Applicative (Delay i)
  pure  {{applicativeDelay}}       = returnDelay
  _<*>_ {{applicativeDelay}} mf mx = bindDelay mf (_<$> mx)

  monadDelay :  {i}  Monad (Delay i)
  _>>=_ {{monadDelay}} = bindDelay

-- Unwinding the delay monad might not terminate.


runDelay : ∀{A}  Delay  A  A
runDelay m = case m .force of λ where
  (return' a)  a
  (later' m')  runDelay m'

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